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Jon Carr and Jeff Pollack Explore How Entrepreneurs Benefit From a Growth Mindset

growth mindset illustration of woman watering lightbulb

In an article published on AACSB Insights, Jon Carr, Jenkins Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, and Jeff Pollack, Lynn T. Clark II Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, explain the value of a growth mindset for entrepreneurs.

“It’s the sought-after holy grail for business schools with entrepreneurship programs: ensuring that students think entrepreneurially and seek to create value for society,” the authors state in the article. “One way schools can achieve this goal is by helping students develop growth mindsets toward entrepreneurship. Such mindsets encourage them to believe that — with time, effort, and the right strategies — they will be able to improve their entrepreneurial ability throughout their lives and use it to create positive societal impact.”

Read more from AACSB Insights.

This post was originally published in Poole Thought Leadership.