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Jul 6, 2020

Committed to Service: Jenkins Dual Degree Program Alumni Spotlight

Poole College alum discusses how the Jenkins MAC/MBA dual-degree program prepared him for a successful career and a life of service.

Jun 1, 2020

Stacy Wood on Creativity and Innovation: COVID-19’s Silver Lining

Poole College’s professor of marketing, Stacy Wood, offers insight on why times of crisis present opportunities for exploration and risk taking.

May 22, 2020

Brand Identity in a Changing World

Dr. Heather Dretsch, assistant professor of marketing discusses why understanding the values and spending habits of Millennials and Gen Z is more important than ever for businesses’ success and longevity.

May 14, 2020

Alumna Raven Solomon’s Experiences in Poole College Inspire Leadership Across Generations

Poole Alumna Raven Solomon credits her time at NC State and Poole College as instrumental in her work to inspire leadership across generations.

Apr 17, 2020

Triangle Business Journal Applauds Dean Buckless’ Efforts to Push Poole College Forward

Frank Buckless, dean of Poole College of Management, recently spoke with Triangle Business Journal about his role, and his efforts to ensure the college stands out amongst competitors and engages in industry.

Apr 8, 2020

Need to Know: Data Analytics in a Time of Crisis

Donnie Hale, a lecturer in Poole College of Management’s department of business management, shares the critical role analytics has played in this pandemic – and will play in the coming months.

Apr 1, 2020

Need to Know: Supply Chain Impacts – Where are All the N95 Masks?

Robert Handfield explains the impact of COVID-19 on the global supply chain of mask production and what this means for the healthcare industry.

Mar 30, 2020

Need to Know: Leading Through a Crisis

Poole College’s Dr. Roger C. Mayer explains how business leaders can not only survive a crisis – but become stronger on the other side.