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Bonnie Benson

Program: Online
Graduation: MBA 2014
Organization/Current title: Workday, Director

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Q: Why did you choose the NC State Jenkins MBA program for your graduate education?

A: Flexibility, focus on technology.

Q: How did your experience in the program contribute to your professional achievements and successes?

A: The courses that I took in the Jenkins MBA program provided me with the background and confidence that I needed to take on additional responsibilities in my current role. Dr. Marianne Bradford’s course on ERP has a major impact in my career trajectory. With the knowledge I learned in that course combined with the knowledge I gained through my Supply Chain, finance and accounting courses, I’ve taken on key roles on several ERP implementations.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your time in the Jenkins MBA Program?

A: Building my network, the interactions with faculty

Q: What do you miss most now that you have graduated?

A: I miss the opportunity to get out of the day to day of my current role and think about different types of problems with the diversity of thought brought to the table by my NC State colleagues.

Q: What advice do you have for prospective Jenkins MBA students?

A: My advice would be to make sure to leverage the small cohorts and easy access to faculty.

Q: What advice would you give for prospective and current students who are interested in your industry/profession?

A: While consulting can provide individuals with a ton of experience across industries, technologies and business situations, it requires a great deal of flexibility and commitment. If this is profession you are interested in, take the time to talk to individuals who are currently in consulting and who have transitioned to other roles to determine if this type of profession is a right fit for you.

Q: What do you believe is your most interesting accomplishment since graduation?

A: Besides earning my Dive Master SCUBA certification, I’ve been since promoted in my organization since graduation and was able to pivot to focus on Higher Education transformation which is an area that of consulting that I’m extremely passionate about.