Bartley Danielsen
Dr. Danielsen teaches graduate and undergraduate corporate finance, investments and real estate courses, and he is a coauthor of the internationally best-selling textbook, Foundations of Financial Management, now in its 17th edition.
Dr. Danielsen’s current research focuses on how charter schools, voucher programs and education savings accounts (ESAs) impact property values and family residential choice. His research appears in the Real Estate Economics, the Journal of Housing Research, the Journal of Real Estate Research, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and numerous other high-quality academic finance and real estate journals.
Dr. Danielsen is the originator of the economic development program commonly known as “Economic Development Zone ESAs.” These ESAs are designed to increase cultural and economic diversity in high-poverty neighborhoods while bringing better job options to the residents of those neighborhoods.
Dr. Danielsen is the founder and President of Environmentalists for Effective Education, a public charity devoted to promoting research and awareness of the importance of educational choices in revitalizing blighted urban areas, reducing urban sprawl, and creating sustainable cities.
Ph.D., Financial Economics, University of Florida (1999)